Kawasaki Teryx KRX 4 1000 Full Skid Plate


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The Tougher Skid Plate You Need
What’s the main problem
with the stock skid plate on your KRX? If you hit a stick just right, it’s
going right through your stock plate and either wrecking your drivetrain or
penetrating your cab. And if it gets into your cab, things can get ugly.
Protect your prop shaft, differential, passengers, and more with SuperATV’s
Kawasaki Teryx KRX 4 1000 Full Skid Plate. It uses a proprietary blend of UHMW
to give you front-to-back protection that stands up to anything.

Made of Proprietary ARMW
Our skid plates are virtually
unstoppable thanks to the 1/2” thick ARMW we use in its construction. ARMW is
proprietary blend of UHMW that has ultra-high abrasion resistance, unmatched
impact strength, and ridiculously low wear characteristics. So instead of
scraping over every rock and getting stuck, our skid plate glides over
smoothly without faltering.

As Smooth as Smooth Can

The ultra smooth UHMW doesn’t do you much good if the
hardware isn’t smooth too. That’s why we use countersunk bolts that sit flush
against the panels. This setup protects the bolts and makes bottom-outs smooth
every time.

Perfect Fit
We know skid plates
are more difficult than your average part to install. That’s why we laser
scanned the KRX 4 before we designed our skid plate. When paired with CNC
cutting and bending, you get you a perfect, smooth fit and an easy


  • Uses abrasion and break resistant 1/2” proprietary ARMW material
  • Bolts fit flush to skid plate for smooth surface
  • Full front-to-
    back protection
  • Laser scanned and CNC cut for a perfect fit
  • Drain ports make cleanup easy


  • Kawasaki Teryx KRX 4 1000 : 2023+